Checklist Components and Features

These field types are essential components of Chekhub’s digital checklists and systems. Each serves a specific purpose in capturing and managing data effectively. Each field type includes space for a description and optional media upload.


A grouping mechanism used to organize steps within a checklist, making content easier to navigate and complete. 


A field type that allows users to mark off items from a predefined list, ensuring all necessary tasks or requirements are addressed.


This component contains numerical or single choice steps to assess the risk associated with a job. Users can configure the score ranges to determine predefined risk levels, prompting which change control template will be utilized.


Allows users to enter free-form text for open-ended responses, comments, or other textual input.


A field for numerical input, accommodating values up to 16 digits. 


A mobile-friendly field where users make selections or decisions by swiping, typically used for quick yes/no decisions or like/dislike options. 


A binary field that can be either checked or unchecked, commonly used for agreements, confirmations, or enabling/disabling options. 


Allows users to select one option from a list of predefined choices, used in forms requiring a single, exclusive choice. 

Multiple Select

Similar to Single-Choice but allows users to select multiple options from a list, used when more than one choice is applicable. 


A field designed for choices that influence subsequent content or actions within the form. Each choice configures a respective branch, showing steps only if the decision matches the specified criteria.


A field for generating subsequent tickets, with configurable templates and naming conventions. Users can enter a ticket message and optionally attach files. Tickets are created upon checklist submission and linked to their parent ticket. 


Allows users to upload images from their device or capture a new photo directly through the form. Supported file types: ai, gif, jpeg, jpg, png, svg, tif, bmp, psd. 


Similar to the Image field but for video files. Users can upload or record videos as part of their form response. Supported file types: mp4, mov, mpg, mpeg, webm. 


A generic upload field allowing users to attach various file types. Restrictions on quantity may apply based on checklist requirements. 


Allows users to add multiple items to a list, which can be up to 2 columns and any number of rows. 


A field designed to capture barcode or QR code information. Users can scan a barcode or QR code using a device's camera, or upload an image of the code manually. An option is also included for input validation.


Similar to the Date/Time field but restricted to selecting only a date. Used for capturing dates without a specific time component.


Allows users to select both a date and a time, useful for scheduling events, setting deadlines, or recording timestamps.


Allows users to select a specific time without a date component, useful for setting time-specific reminders or schedules.


Captures a handwritten signature, which can be entered on a touch-enabled device or with a mouse on a computer. Often used for consent or approval.

Compound Signature

 Combines a handwritten signature with an image uploader, providing additional information such as a printed name, certification, or other relevant details.

* The attachment field on a ticket is limited to 50MB per attachment. File types supported include: doc, dot, docx, docb, wbk, docm, dotm, ppt, pot, pps, pptx, potm, potx, ppsm, ppsx, pptm, xls, xlt, xltx, xlsx, xlsm, xlsxm, xlsb, xltm, xlw, ai, gif, jpeg, jpg, png, svg, tif, bmp, psd, svg, mp4, mov, mpg, mpeg, webm, mp3, m4p, m4a, wav, wma, mmf, msv, aiff, aif, mid, midi, ogg, csv, pdf, key, xml, txt, zip, eml