Create a Training Course

Learn how to Create Training Courses for your Workforce

Creating an effective training course is essential for empowering your workforce with the skills and knowledge they need to excel. Within the Chekhub platform, you have access to robust tools designed to streamline the course creation process, making it easier to develop comprehensive and engaging training programs. This article will guide you step-by-step through building a detailed training course in Chekhub, from accessing the training module to publishing and assigning the course to your trainees.

  1. Access the Training Module:
    • Begin by navigating to the Training module located within the sidebar menu on the left-hand side of your Chekhub screen.
  2. Create a Course:
    • Upon entering the Training module, locate the Create Course button situated at the top of the dashboard. Clicking this button will initiate the course creation process.
    • A new window will appear, prompting you to assign a name to your course. Once satisfied with the chosen title, click the Save button to proceed.
  3. Add Course Content:
    • You now have the option to incorporate PDF files into your course. These files will serve as the foundation for your lesson slides. You can either drag and drop the desired PDFs directly onto the screen or upload them from your computer's storage.
    • It's time to delve into the course details section. Here, you can enrich your course by including a comprehensive description, the number of days allotted for completion after assignment (if applicable), any qualifications awarded upon successful completion, and specific teams that will be automatically assigned the course.
    • Additionally, you can enhance the course's visual appeal by uploading a relevant cover photo.
  4. Understanding Qualifications:
    • Qualifications within Chekhub act as a vetting mechanism, ensuring technicians possess the necessary knowledge to undertake specific tasks.
    • These qualifications can also be integrated into checklists or awarded as a form of "certification" after completing a course, granting new technicians the authorization to perform specific job functions.
  5. Construct Course Sections:
    • The core functionality of the Training module revolves around building the individual sections that comprise your course. Chekhub offers four distinct section types to cater to your instructional needs: Lessons, Quizzes, Documents, and Forms. To create a section, simply utilize the drag-and-drop functionality to place one of the aforementioned tools onto the central panel displayed on your screen.
  6. Exploring Section Types:
    • Lesson: This section empowers you to manually add slides to your course or upload them using a PDF file. Upon uploading content, you have the flexibility to incorporate training videos to further enhance the learning experience.
    • Quiz: Leverage this feature to gauge your learners' comprehension of the course material. You can construct questions requiring text-based, numerical, or single-choice answers. Each question can be customized with additional parameters and media attachments. Furthermore, you have the ability to establish supplementary quiz parameters such as the required passing score percentage, time restrictions, limitations on attempts, and a designated timeframe for attempting the quiz. An option to randomize the question order is also available.
    • Documents: This section allows you to include supplementary instructions and upload relevant files for your learners to access and review.
    • Form: Utilize this feature to gather learner information through various form fields, including text, numbers, addresses, single-choice selections, and multi-choice options. Examples of information you might collect include driver's license numbers, phone numbers, or safety compliance verifications.
  7. Save and Publish Your Course:
    • Once you've entered all the necessary course information, ensure you save your work by clicking the orange checkbox positioned in the top right corner of the screen.
    • After saving your course, the next crucial step is publication. Locate the Publish button situated in the top right corner of your course's landing page and click it to make the course accessible to your trainees.
  8. Assigning Learners:
    • With your course now published, you can proceed to assign it to the specific trainees you wish to enroll.

By following these comprehensive steps, you can leverage Chekhub’s powerful training module to design courses that are not only informative but also tailored to meet the specific needs of your team. From dynamic lessons and quizzes to detailed document and form sections, Chekhub offers the flexibility to create diverse and engaging training content. Once your course is published, you can easily assign it to your trainees, ensuring they have the resources and knowledge necessary to perform their roles effectively. Empower your workforce today by creating and delivering top-notch training courses with Chekhub.