Create a Member

Learn how to add new members to your Chekhub account

  1. Navigate to the Teams Dashboard:
    • Access the Teams Dashboard from the navigation menu on the left side of your screen. Alternatively, you can do this from the Admin Panel under Subscriptions.
  2. Create a New Member:
    • Click the "Create Member" button located in the top right corner of the Teams Dashboard.
  3. Enter Member Information:
    • Fill in the First Name, Last Name, Email Address and Location of the new member.
  4. Assign to a Team:
    • If you have existing teams, you can assign the new member to a specific team at this stage.
  5. Assign a Role:
    • Assign a Role to the member. Roles can be managed and edited from the Admin Dashboard.
  6. Add Additional Properties:
    • Optionally, you can add a Primary work Location or Qualification to the member profile.
  7. Save the New Member:
    1. Click the Checkmark to save your changes.
You have now successfully added a new member to your Organization!