Create Qualifications

How to Create a Qualification

In Chekhub, a Qualification refers to a set of predefined criteria or certifications that users must meet to perform specific tasks or roles within the organization. Qualifications ensure that individuals have the necessary skills, knowledge, and credentials to carry out their duties effectively and safely.

  1. Access the Admin Dashboard:
    • Navigate to the Admin Dashboard from the left-side menu.
  2. Open the Qualifications Tab:
    • Click on the "Qualifications" tab in the top menu bar.
  3. Add a New Qualification:
    • Click the "+ADD" button in the Qualifications section.
    • You will be prompted to name the new Qualification.
  4. Assign the Qualification:
    • Once named, you can assign the qualification to Checklists, Members, and Assets.
    • These qualifications can be used to restrict certain tasks to individuals with the specific qualification.
By creating and assigning qualifications, you ensure that only qualified personnel can perform designated tasks, enhancing operational efficiency and compliance.