Location Trees, Understanding Sites & Asset Nesting

Learn How to Effectively Structure Your Locations Based on Sites and Asset Nesting

Customizing Location Trees in Chekhub

Chekhub provides flexible methods to structure your location tree, allowing you to visualize and manage your assets efficiently. Here‚ you can set up and customize location trees, including information about additional location trees, the seven location levels, and what constitutes a site.

Common Location Tree Structures

  1. States and Cities:
    • This structure helps organize assets under specific cities. It is ideal for managing a small number of assets distributed across multiple locations.
      • Example: State>City>Asset 
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  2. Building, Floor, Room:
    • This structure categorizes assets under specific rooms within buildings and floors, useful when there are multiple assets per floor in a building.
      • Example: Building>Floor>Room>Asset
Beyond the traditional structures of states and cities or buildings and rooms, Chekhub offers the flexibility to create more personalized location trees tailored to meet your specific requirements.
  1. Campuses and Departments:
    • Organize assets by different campuses and then by departments within those campuses.
      • Example: >Campus>Department>Asset
  2. Regions and Sites:
    • Manage assets across broader regions and then drill down to specific sites within those regions.
      • Example: Region>Site>Asset
  3. Zones and Sections:
    • Ideal for large facilities divided into zones and further into sections.
      • Example: Zone>Section>Asset
  4. Divisions and Units:
    • For organizations with hierarchical divisions and units, this structure helps in asset categorization.
      • Example: Division>Unit>Asset

The Seven Location Types 

Location Types can be used to assist you in the managing and organization of your locations. These Types allow you to nest your locations appropriately for your organization. Chekhub allows up to seven location levels, providing an ordered structure for your assets. Each level can be customized to fit your specific organizational needs, ensuring precise asset tracking and management.

  1. To start managing your Location Types, navigate to the Admin module.
  2. Once there, select the Locations tab from the upper navigation bar.
  3. On the left side of the page, you will see the Types window. This is where you will be able to view and edit your Location Types. The default list will be Region, Zone, Site, Building, Floor, Room and Unassigned.
  4. These fields are completely customizable and can be altered to fit the needs of you and your organization.

Understanding a Site

In Chekhub, a "Site" refers to a specific physical location within the broader hierarchy. It is a critical component where assets are grouped and managed. For example, a site could be a particular building within a campus or a facility within a city. It is also important to note that Preventative Maintenance is scheduled at the Site level and CMMS metrics are driven from here as well.

By leveraging these structures, you can effectively visualize and manage your assets in Chekhub, ensuring a tailored approach to fit your organization's unique needs.

Asset Nesting 

Asset nesting in Chekhub enables users to create a hierarchical structure for managing assets, reflecting their real-world relationships and dependencies. This feature allows users to group related assets under parent assets, creating a clear and organized system.

For example, individual components of a machine can be nested under the primary machine asset. This hierarchy makes it easier to track, maintain, and manage each part of a system, ensuring that users have a comprehensive view of how assets are interconnected. Asset nesting enhances efficiency by simplifying navigation and oversight within complex asset ecosystems, making it an invaluable tool for effective asset management.