Safety Concerns

How to Use and Implement Saftey Concerns

Safety Concerns in Chekhub provide a visual representation of potential workplace hazards. By linking these concerns to a Checklist, you can ensure that individuals completing tasks are aware of and understand the associated risks. How to Edit Safety Concerns

  1. Access the Admin Panel:
    • Navigate to the Admin panel using the dashboard on the left side of your screen.
  2. Open the Safety Concerns Section:
    • Click on "Safety Concerns" in the top navigation bar within the Admin panel.
  3. Customize Safety Levels:
    • There are five individual levels you can customize by clicking Edit on the Safety Concerns panel.Safety Concerns
    • For each level, you can edit the Name, Display Color, and Description to fit your organization‚ specific needs. 
  4. Save Your Changes:
    • After making your edits, click the "Save" button to update your Safety Concerns.
By managing Safety Concerns, you enhance workplace safety awareness and ensure that potential hazards are clearly communicated to your team.