Update Your Email Address

Learn how to update your Chekhub email address

You can follow the text guide below or if you would like to see a more visual representation you can follow our Slideshow

  1. To update your email address, start from the Account Menu on the top right side of your screen.
  2. In the drop down menu, click on the option that says 'Edit My Account'.

  3. Underneath your current email address, click the orange button that says 'Change Email Address'.  
  4. Enter the new email address that you wish to change to and then confirm it below.
  5. Once you have entered the email address, you will be able to click the 'Send Verification Email' button, this will send a code to the email address you have entered. 
  6. Check the new email address for the code, and enter it in the verification code box. 
  7. Click the Confirm to save your changes.
  8. You have now successfully updated your email address!