Uploading Files to the Library

How to add and upload files to the folders in your Chekhub library.

The Chekhub Library Module offers several ways to integrate files seamlessly for your Assets, Locations, and Checklists. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Uploading a File:

Locate and select the Upload File button in the top right corner of your screen. A window will appear prompting you to choose between two different methods of uploading:

  • Drag-and-Drop Method:
    • Locate the file you want to upload on your computer.
    • Click and drag the file directly onto the Chekhub Library module window.
    • Release the mouse button to upload the file.
    • Update the name, add a description, or change the folder location or owner of the file as needed.
    • Click the check mark in the top right to save your file.
  • Manual Upload:
    • Click the Upload button located within the Library module interface.
    • A file selection window will appear on your computer screen.
    • Navigate to the file you want to upload, select it, then click Open.
    • Update the name, add a description, or change the folder location or owner of the file as needed.
    • Click the check mark in the top right to save your file.

2. Creating Links:

Locate and select the Upload File button in the top right corner of your screen. A window will appear prompting you to enter information about the link you wish to add to your library. This includes:

  • Name
  • URL
  • Description
  • Owner
  • Folder
  • Tags

Additional Information:

  • The essential details needed to upload a link to your library are the name, URL, and folder.

Once you have finished entering all of your link's information, select the checkmark to save.

By following these steps, you can easily upload files or add links to your Chekhub library!